Chronicles of Narnia Fanon Wiki

This article, Troll/Spenpiano, was written by Spenpiano. Please do not edit this fiction without the writer's permission.


The Trolls are a race of giants that exist in the world of Narnia. These beings usually dwell in isolated rocks, mountains, or caves, live together in small family units, and are rarely helpful to other sentient species. Trolls became beings in their own right, where they live far from habitation, and some can be considered dangerous. Depending on the source, their appearance varies greatly, in which trolls may be ugly and slow-witted, or look and behave exactly like other races in Narnia do. Many inhabitants across different countries held rumors that Trolls are exposed to sunlight, but those rumors are proven to be false.

Physical Description[]

A typical adult troll stood around 19 feet tall. Females were typically larger, and more powerful, than males.


Many Trolls from different clans were different in a way. Some were unbalanced, but there were those that carried a sense of intelligence. A number of inhabitants believe they are sensitive to the light, but these rumors were proven to be false. When a troll gets a slash, could rapidly heal through most wounds for about a day.





Notable Trolls[]



The origin of trolls was uncertain after Narnia's birth.
