Chronicles of Narnia Fanon Wiki

Half-dwarves are interbreeding offsprings of a human and dwarf.


During the Telmarine Age of Narnia, a group of male Black Dwarves were very keen in siding with the Telmarines. After spending a period of time in the same area, they began to develop a romance with beautiful Telmarine women. There, they created a new hybrid race called the Half-dwarves. As the Half-dwarves were living their lives in the Telmarine Age, they began to combine the adaptable nature of humans, with the sturdiness of a dwarf and learn what it was like during the Old Age.

Physical Description[]

Half-dwarves stand just over 5 feet tall, and typically weigh slightly more than their human brethren due to their large build and wide frames. Some of the males do not value their beards as highly and are often be seen without beards as are seen with. Though a few of them, like Cornelius, keep beards longer.

Known Half-dwarves[]
